What my life will be like in 2020: The weather report will be messaged to my phone with a picture of what to wear. It takes my breakfast order and prepares it for me. It wakes my kids up for school at exactly 6:32 am and mutes any fights between the youngins unless there's blood. If I want to know something I touch the built in wall sized screen's dictionary or definition button. I can watch movies, television, and anything else I want to on this enormous computer. There is no such thing as unfound, I can find out anything I want at anytime. I can choose a color of paint and try it out before going to get it in the store. I can also get help cleaning as it extends it's arms to vacuum and dust. If I get an e-mail it warns me and sometimes it reads and I verbally reply if I want to. As my kids come home from school and later on get ready for bed it helps keep an eye on the outside world, if there is an emergency it pops the news on. It's all the more helpful.
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