Sunday, March 13, 2011

Music and Me

Back in my day music was quite different. I can't say I liked all that was played, in fact I had one genre of music I really liked which was Christian. Anything from really hard rock to ballet slow was at interest if it was Christian. But, I have to say my favorite was sort of hip hop Christian. Even though I wasn't like most people in admiration for all the new songs that came out I was still mostly aware of them. Music was one thing I, like others, depended on. This is more so now, but the music industry has changed.
I remember growing up when it was cool to have a cd player and what I call "micky mouse" headphones. I used to take my brother's just to carry it around to be "cool". Then, when technology advanced I noticed less people with bulky cd players and carrying around all their cds and more people with cell phones. In my observation music laid low for a while when people got cell phones and texting was huge, but it was still present. A few months later mp3 players became popular and of course I didn't get one until they were almost out of their little phase because ipods took over. I stand today without ever owning an ipod.
Music itself has changed a lot since I was young. My parents always has KTIS playing on the radio so I don't know what the newest songs were but I know they weren't nearly as "techno" as they are today. I know the music I listened to wasn't my family's favorite. Especially when I had the radio set for my alarm clock so not only was it early in the morning but also blaring so everyone in the house could hear and when I didn't wake up right away people really loved me. I do know for a fact that my older brothers and parents are not too faun of my music choice but because of the style. But, as hard as it may sound for me I do appreciate other genres. I have interest in some country music and pop songs.
My mom really liked slow gospel music. Which I hated when I was under ten, but when I opened my mind to it I did kind of like it. Now, I do like southern baptist singing groups so even if kids don't appreciate their parent's interests they might one day. It just shows how attitudes change as people get older. I definitely noticed this with friends around me that changed their music interests as the aged. Even though I had a different understanding for other music my favorite bands were skillet and barlowgirl. But, I also liked Brandon Heath, third day, go fish, Mandisa, and many others.
Music now days has a lot more society in it than it used to. It's as if artists aren't afraid to sing about the world and say words that used to be frowned upon. If I wasn't so bias about one style of music I would probably understand other genres and know more about what the latest songs are about, but I really don't mind not knowing. I listen to the radio pretty much everyday and yes sometimes the songs get old and I'm ready for something new, but overall I'm satisfied with not exploring. I have a feeling that clothing styles will change way more than music will over time. Phases go by so fast when you look at clothing and music stays around for a while and if someone really likes a song it will stay popular longer. Even though music changes everyday and artists introduce new songs it still represents something about our world today.

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